Wednesday 3 February 2010

Final Digipak.

The second part of the promotional package was to create a Digipak for the music video. I began by researching into various artists Digipaks and album art work to get an idea of how they represented the band and the actual content. I researched into The Maccabees and Bloc Party again as i thought they were very good representations that linked well with Jet Pack Man. I found that their art work linked heavily to the art house genre as it abdicated from the norm. There was very little band shots, mostly art work or some form of photography. The Maccabees used animation to create their digipak, they used child like fonts and child like colours, this linked with the same on the dvd - colour it in. Bloc party used time lapse photography of city night life to create their front cover as the digipak is called a weekend in the city, this linking in with the art house style of photography as they used slow shutter speeds to create interesting effects with lights. I decided to do some photography, i wanted to link the digipak to the music video like the other bands did. I began to think about underlying messages within my music video, i decided that i wanted to create some photography that linked with the idea of being controlled by some unknown force. I began thinking about how i could go about this, i came up with the idea of using a doll within a photograph, as this would like to the abstract ideas of art house photography. I then linked the idea of the doll to the idea of being pulled by an unknown force. I thought about how i could make this work, eventually i decided to hang the doll from a peice of wire and project a studio light onto the doll. I then used my hand to mimic a shadow of someone pick the doll up by the top of her dress. This worked very well as it created a metaphorical idea of the doll being controlled by an unknown force, just like the girl within the music video being controlled by a unknown force in the distorted world. I then researched on the internet for some form of toy block font. I found this and thought it would link well with the idea of the doll as they both represented an idea of play. I used this font for the title 'Jet Pack Man' on the front cover and the spine. I edited around the blocs on photoshop by using the background eraser tool in order to gain a block effect around the edges. I then used a child like scribble on the back in alternate colours to again link with the idea of child's play. This is also similar to the font that The Maccabees used on their digipak. I then used a series of screen shots from the music video to place them on the back on the cover. I lined up the screen shots, text, and logos so that they would all be symmetrical. I used same colour scheme throughout as this is what is used in the majority of digipak's I researched, too many colours make it look busy and unappealing to the viewer, using a simple colour scheme gives the audience something to look at and focus on. When creating the inlay i wanted to keep it simplistic, therefore i decided to use a dark grey colour fill in order to keep a simplistic background. I then used two stripes of 5 screen shots from the music video, this matched the section of the back cover on the front layer. 

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