Wednesday 27 January 2010

Some variations within the photographs.

Doll photography.

Bellow are some photographs of the process of the taking the doll photographs. To begin with i hung the doll to a poll with some wire in oder to get the floating effect. I then used a simple table lamp in order to create a shadow effect. However i found that there was not enough light to enable me to get the detail within the dress and face of the doll. So i decided to take one of the studio lights and set it up on the floor, this created far more detail in the areas that needed it. I then took around 50 photographs of the doll using various apertures and shutter speeds to see what effect i would get.

Friday 22 January 2010


Using different settings to create different effects.

I have found that within art house photography there are different styles and themes used in order to fit in to the genre 'art house'.

1. The subject/object within the photograph may be abstract
2. The style of editing can alter the photograph in order to create a artistic effect
3. Manipulating the settings when taking the photograph, e.g. using a slow shutter speed to create an over exposed photograph is popular.

Art house photography.

I want to take photographs similar to the ones bellow, similar in terms of framing, editing styles and objects within the photo.

Monday 18 January 2010

Photograph one.

Photograph two.

Photograph three.

Photograph four.

One Digipak that i am taking strong influence from.

The Maccabees - colour it in.

I am going to take influence from the following:
Font size
Font colour
Font style
The colour scheme
The small print
Where the font is placed
How the photographs/images are placed
Are they symmetrical?
Where the logos are fonts are placed

I am going to look at various photographs of the band and images that link with the band to try and take influence from how their photographs are created in order to keep a link between them and Jet Pack Man.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Beginning to plan out ideas.

I want my Digipak to link to the video. Therefore by using time lapse i am able to create a link between the two. I have thought of various things to time lapse:
The stars at night
Cars at night
People in the day
People at night
The sea
Trains at night or day

By taking photographs at night i am able to gain interesting effects as the lights add detail to the photograph.